About RP Halliway

RP Halliway


A hobbyist tinkerer and deep thinker, I continue in my active learning about many aspects of science and technology.  Time has always been an interest of mine, both in how it works and what it is. Why is there such a thing as Time, and what powers everything from the planets and galaxies to the tiniest of cells that continually age and die. 

Feel free to inform me of any and all matters of interest. Thanks




The Timewalker saga is a planned five book series that will explore the Universe of Time.

Book 1: Time and Tecnicalities is finished, ready to be sent out for publication.


Read Chapter 1 now.



Book 2 explores more of the Universe of Time, along with explaining some of the abilities. This book is in the editing process and should arrive without too much delay.



Book 3 is in the works!